view:45691 Last Update: 2024-12-17
- TCDC course about Application remote sensing and GIS in land use planning,Indonesia,2 month,Jakarta,Indonesia,2001
- The Application of space technology in Sustainable development and disaster management and neutrals recourses management, Tehran.Iran.2003.
- CSSTEAP International Training Course on Sustainable Agriculture, Aug 24to Sep09, 2005, IIRS, Campus, Dehradun, India.
- CSSTEAP International Training Course on Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Urban studies, Aug 14to Sep15, 2007, IIRS, Campus, Dehradun, India.
- Visiting Researcher in Chiba University, Japan, 7 months, 15Jul2008-16Feb2009.
- 5th ISPRS Student Consortium and WG VI/5 Summer School, Advanced Remote Sensing for Mapping, Monitoring and Management of the Environment, 6-10 November 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- 7th ISPRS Student Consortium and WG VI/5 Summer School, October 8-12, 2011 at National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan.
- 8th ISPRS Student Consortium and WG VI/5 Summer School, Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2012 at Burapha University (BUU),Chon Buri, Thailand.
- 9th Student Consortium and WG VI/5 Summer School “.The Summer School will take place from 25 to 30 October 2013 at Werdhapura Sanur – Bali, Indonesia.
13th ISPRS Student Consortium and WG VI/5 Summer School,” Using Geospatial Technologies for Natural Resources Management, Manila, Philiphines,2015.
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