view:28356 Last Update: 2022-3-9
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
17 | Maryam Alijani | _JANUARY 2011 | Physics | Wannier functions and Bose-Hubbard parameters for a two dimensional magnetic lattice | Advisor |
16 | Mostafa Rastghufard | _FEBRUARY 2011 | Physics | Triplet superconductivity in an SFFS junction with noncollinear magnetizations | SuperVisor |
15 | Mehdi Sorbi | _MAY 2011 | Physics | Zero and pi states in an SFFS junction with collinear magnetizations | SuperVisor |
14 | Vahid Derikvand | _DECEMBER 2011 | Physics | Quantum transport in normal metal-pi wave triplet superconductor-normal metal junction with Rashba spin orbit interaction | Advisor |
13 | Mahtab Araie | _FEBRUARY 2012 | Physics | Proximity effect in the superconductors with triplet pairing | SuperVisor |
12 | Mahnaz Ghasemi | _FEBRUARY 2012 | Physics | Elastic properties and buckling of carbon nanotubes | SuperVisor |
11 | Zakaria Moradi | _MARCH 2012 | Physics | Josephson current in superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor structure in presence of magnetic and spin orbit inpurities | Advisor |
10 | MasumehRostami | _FEBRUARY 2013 | Physics | Graphene nanostructures and superconducting phase | SuperVisor |
9 | Leila Shamaei | _FEBRUARY 2013 | Physics | Investigation of transport properties of a bilayer graphene nanostructure | SuperVisor |
8 | Roghayesadat Hosseinpoor | _OCTOBER 2013 | Physics | Investigation of transport properties of a trilayer graphene nanostructure | SuperVisor |
7 | Hamideh Nazari | _MARCH 2014 | Physics | Superconducting proximity effect in a bilayer graphene nanostructure | SuperVisor |
6 | Mitra Taherkhani | _JANUARY 2015 | Physics | Josephson effect in iron-based superconductor junctions with two s-wave superconducting gap | SuperVisor |
5 | Zahra Amini Sabegh | _SEPTEMBER 2015 | Physics | Quantum optics using superconducting circuits | Advisor |
4 | Gholamreza Azizipoor | _OCTOBER 2015 | Physics | Calculation of the specific heat capacity of graphene using density matrix | SuperVisor |
3 | Maryam Derafshi | _MARCH 2016 | Physics | Electron pumping in a nanowire connected to two external potentials with phase difference | SuperVisor |
2 | Seyedeh Zahra Mousavi | _MARCH 2016 | Physics | The electronic properties of nanowires with anisotropy | SuperVisor |
1 | Afsaneh Ajal Afshar | _FEBRUARY 2017 | Physics | Proximity effect in normal metal junctions with multiband superconductors | SuperVisor |