view:32938 Last Update: 2024-7-10
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
38 | December 2004 | An algorithm for the least euciliden norm solution of a linear system of inequalityes via ABS algorithms | SuperVisor | ||
37 | June 2004 | Conjugate direction method in optimization | SuperVisor | ||
36 | November 2004 | Having a look at hermite interpolation of two variables function | SuperVisor | ||
35 | September 2005 | Broyden's method as an ABS algorithm | SuperVisor | ||
34 | October 2006 | Generating the Integer null space and conditions for determination of an integer basis using the ABS algorithms | SuperVisor | ||
33 | September 2005 | An asympotic simplex method for singulary perturbed linear programs | SuperVisor | ||
32 | October 2004 | An extension of the fundamental theorem of linear programming | SuperVisor | ||
31 | September 2006 | The spectral behavior of GMRES algorithm on singular systems | SuperVisor | ||
30 | September 2006 | Richardson method and.. | SuperVisor | ||
29 | July 2007 | Extrapolation methods for PageRank computations | SuperVisor | ||
28 | September 2007 | Block projection methods for linear systems | SuperVisor | ||
27 | March 2007 | An ABS represetation theorem for polyhedral sets and its applications | SuperVisor | ||
26 | October 2007 | Haar wavelet method for nonlinear integro-differential equations | SuperVisor | ||
25 | May 2008 | Semidefinite programming and it's applications | SuperVisor | ||
24 | May 2008 | On generalized linearity of quadratic fractional function | SuperVisor | ||
23 | November 2009 | A comparison theorem for the SOR iterative method | SuperVisor | ||
22 | December 2010 | Two objective optimal ripple free deadbeat control | SuperVisor | ||
21 | July 2011 | Rank-one decomposition of positive semidifinite Hermitian matrix and some applications | SuperVisor | ||
20 | May 2008 | A method for solving linear and nonlinear systems | SuperVisor | ||
19 | August 2010 | The (P,Q) generalized reflexive and anti-reflexive solutions of the matrix equation AX=B | SuperVisor | ||
18 | July 2009 | Extended reduced rank two abaffian update schemes in the ABS-type methods | SuperVisor | ||
17 | September 2010 | Linear fractional programming and duality | SuperVisor | ||
16 | September 2010 | Genelal H-matrices and iterative criterion for identifing them | SuperVisor | ||
15 | October 2011 | On relationships between several classes of Z-matrices, M-matrices and non-negative matrices | SuperVisor | ||
14 | Hadi Hasani | September 2012 | Applied math | The matrix generation approach for eigenvalue optimization [Abstract] |
SuperVisor |
13 | Saeed behboodi | September 2012 | َApplied math | Multivariate blending rational interpolation via branched continued fractions [Abstract] |
SuperVisor |
12 | Mohamad taherkhani | October 2012 | Applied math | Iterativ methods and precondition | SuperVisor |
11 | Z. S. Kazemi | September 2013 | Applied math | Linear three-level programming problem and its applications | SuperVisor |
10 | Masoumeh Yousefi | October 2013 | Applied math | Some one-parameter families of third and fourth order methods for solving... | SuperVisor |
9 | leila Nazari | September 2013 | Applied math | A review of mathods fof solving linear complementarith problems | SuperVisor |
8 | Bahare Sedighi | December 2013 | statistic | Robuste regresion method with L1 norm | Advisor |
7 | Hamideh Bagheri | October 2013 | Applied math | Preconditioned GAOR methods for solving weighted linea leas squarws problems | Advisor |
6 | December 2014 | Applied Math | Conjugate gradient methods using | SuperVisor | |
5 | Sadegh Dosti | September 2014 | Mathematics | On branched continued fractions rational interpolation over pyramid-typed grids | SuperVisor |
4 | Khadijeh Alemi | September 2014 | Mathematics | Exact and Stable Least Squares solution to the linear programming problem | SuperVisor |
3 | Zeinab Aghazadeh | September 2014 | Mathematics | Solving possiblistic linear programming problem Considering membership function of the cofficients | SuperVisor |
2 | Fateme Salimi | June 2015 | Mathematics | Some lower bounds for the smallest singular value | SuperVisor |
1 | Azam shabani | July 2015 | Mathematics | Numerical methods for fuzzy system of linear equations | SuperVisor |