بازدید:28198 بروزرسانی: 26-10-1389
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دانشگاه زنجان- دانشكده علوم - گروه زيست شناسي-
بازدید:28198 بروزرسانی: 26-10-1389
Mohammad Moradi
1994-1998 Preparing Fune in Zanjan Province ,Department of Biology, Faculty of Science ,University of Zanjan ,Mohammad MORADI 1999- 2000 Biosystematic study on the species of Ursidae Family in Zanjan province General office of Enviromental organization Zanjan province, M.MORADI 2000-2001 Biosystematics study on the species of Flidae Family in Zanjan province General office of Environmental organization Zanjan province, M.MORADI 2001-2002 Limnological study of the Anguran and Kharroud Rivers in Zanjan General office of Environmental organization Zanjan province, M.MORADI 2002-2003 Biosystematics study on the species of Rodents in Zanjan province, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zanjan Mohammad MORADI 2003-2004 Karyological and Electrophoritical analysis Spermophilus Bent 1835 (Mammalia:Rodentia) in East Anatolia and North West Iran, Zanjan University –Iran , Mohammad MORADI and Gazi University ,Şakır Önder Özkurt- Turkey 2004-2005 Biosystematics Evolution and the influence of hibernation on blood parameters of Spermophilus fulvus in Zanjan province , ,Department of Biology,Faculty of Science ,University of Zanjan ,Mohammad MORADI 2004-2005 Elimination of Virulence Plasmids (In Urinic infection) from E.coli by antibiotics. Department of Biology,Faculty of Science ,University of Zanjan ,Mohammad MORADI 2004-2005 Biological and Ecological study on Ellobius lutescens Thomas 1897 (Mammalia:Rodentia) in Zanjan province .Islamic Azad University ,Zanjan Branch ,Mohammad MORADI 2005-2006 Ecological and Biological study on species of Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Mammals:Rodentia) in Zanjan province . Department of Biology,Faculty of Science ,University of Zanjan ,Mohammad MORADI 2007-2008 Ecological and Biological study on species of Allctaga Cuvier, 1836 (Mammals:Rodentia) in Qazvin province .Islamic Azad University.Takistan Branch,Mohammad MORADI 2007-2008 Biosystematics study of Meriones genus in Kordestan province. Payamenur University, Bijar Branch Mohammad Moradi and Parasto Mardani
2009-2010 Biological and Ecological study of rodents funa in Qazvin province and their effect on cultivated fields Mohammad Moradi . Islamic Azad University Takistan Branch. 2010-2011 Taxonomic status and distribution of the genus Allactaga Cuvier,1836 (Mammalia:Rodentia)in Qazvin province Mohammad Moradi Islamic Azad University Takistan Branch. 2012-2014 Study of biodiversity and biosystematics on rodents funa in north west and west of Iran Mohammad Moradi .This study financially supported by Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) ,Vice Chancellor for Research University of Zanjan and Islamic Azad University, Takestan Branch Research project No:90007321 2013-2014 Biosystematic study of Microtus genus in Zanjan province , Department of Biology, University of Zanjan Mohammad Moradi
Author Ships:
1-EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY (Morphology & Anatomy) EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY Code: M/82-306 QK/641/M4/M2 ISBN: 964-7229-28-1 Date: 25 April 2003 Number of Pages:163 Publications: Mahdis
2-EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY (Morphology and Anatomy) EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY Code: M/720-316 QK/588 ISBN: 856 -8229-24-9 Date: 20 May 2005 Number of Pages: 285 Publications: Nikan ketab
3-Mammals of Iran (Vol. Rodentia) The Mammals of Iran (Vol. Rodentia) Code:1797983 , QL 729 ISBN: 978-964-196-024-9 Date: May 2009 Number of Pages: 332 Publications: Nikan ketab
4- Cell and Molcular Biology National Library of Iran Code :1798547 QH/581 ISBN :978-964-196-030-0 / Card:362-357 Date : October 2009 Number of Pages:362 Publications :Nikan ketab
5- Basic histology Basic histology ,Code :3475719 QM 551/M43 - B2 ISBN :978-600-102-585-3 / Card:611/018 Date : May 2014 Number of Pages:345 Publications : Collegiate Jihad
6- Zoology (Vol.1 Invertebrate) Zoology (Vol.1 Invertebrate) Code :M/320-226 QK/688 ISBN :756 -9229-24-8 Date : 20 May 2008 Number of Pages: 3 89 Publications :Seraj
7- Organisms Evolution Organisms Evolution Code :1912101 QH 2/366/2M36 T8 ISBN :978-964-196-038-6 / Card: 576/8 Date : May 2014 Number of Pages:244 Publications :Nikan ketab
8- Molcular Biology Molcular Biology ,Code :M /620-415 QK/878 ISBN :836 -7229-24-1 Date : October 2010 Number of Pages:380 Publications :Sina
9-Mammals of Iran (VoIl.Bats) Mammals of Iran (VoIl.Bats) ,Code :9755412 , QL / 737 ISBN :978-964-7629-97-3 Date : October 2010 Number of Pages:380 Publications :Mahdis
10- Anatomy, Injuries and Blockage of Peripheral Nerves Anatomy, Injuries and Blockage of Peripheral Nerves Code :2088557 , RC 409/M4A5/ 737 ISBN :978-600-5243-26-0 Date : October 2010 Number of Pages:184 Publications :Sinateb Publications in Journals:
1. Mohammad MORADI.G , Erkut KIVANC A study on the Morphology, Karyology and Distribution of Ellobius Fisher , 1814(Mammalia ; Rodentia) in IRAN Turk.J.Zool. 27(2003)281-292 Tubitak
2. Sakir OZKURT , Mohammad MORADI.G Zarar Potansiyel Bulunan Kemircilerin Bio-Ekolojik Ozellikleri ve Mucadale Yontemleri Ankara Zirai Mucadale Merkez Arastirma Enstitusu 24-26 June 2003 P.137-176
4. Irfan KANDEMIR and Mohammad MORADI .G Persian Honey Bees and Beekeeping Observations in IRAN. AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL volume 144 NO.9 september 2004.
5. Mohammad MORADI .G , Irfan KANDEMIR .Morphometric and Allozyme Variability in Persian Bee Population From the Alburz Mountains , IRAN.JOURNAL OF SCIENCE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEHRAN.ISSN 1026-5139.
6. Sakir OZKURT, Nuri YIGIT , Ercument COLAK , Mustafa SOZEN , Mohammad MORADI .G.Observation on the Ecology and Behavior of Spermophilus Bennet , 1835(Mammalia:Rodentia) in Turkey. TURKISH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY .volume 21 no.1 1997.
7- Mohammad MORADI .G and Irfan KANDEMIR observation on Apis flora the Dwarf honey Bee In Iran. American Bee journal.Volume 145 No .6 June 2005
8- Sakir OZKURT ,NURI YIGIT , ERCUMENT COLAK, MUSTAFA SOZEN and MOHAMMAD MORADI.G OBSERVATIONS ON THE ECOLOGY ,REPRUDUCTION AND Behavior of Spermophilus Bennet , 1835(Mammalia : Rodentia) In Turkey. Turk.J.Zool 29 (2005) 91- 92 @ TüBITAK
9- MOHAMMAD MORADI.G and Akbar vahdati.karyological analysis of the species of genus Spermophilus(Mammalia : Rodentia) In Iran Iranian Journal of Biology (IJB) (Scientific Research) Volume 18 No.2,Summer 2005
10 - Sakir OZKURT and MOHAMMAD MORADI.G zarar potansiyeli Bulunan kemiricilerin BioEkolojik ozellikleri ve Mucadele Yontemleri Ankara Zirai Mucadele Merkez Arastima Enstitusu 24-26 Haziran ,2003 ,Ankar.
11- MOHAMMAD MORADI.G and Akbar Vadati Karyological analysis of the species of genus spermophilus(mammalian:Rodentia)in Iran. Iranian Journal of Biology (IJB) (Scientific Research)Volume 18 No.2, Summer 2005.
12- Reyhan Colak,MOHAMMAD MORADI.G Sakir Ozkurt Distribution and Electrophoretic Aspects of Blood – Serum Protein of the Genus Spermophilus (Mammalia :Rodentia)in Eastern Turkey and Iran. Pakistan Journal of biological Sciences ISSN 1028-8880 2006
13- Ahmet Karatas and MOHAMMAD MORADI.G The karyotypic characterization of the Large Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus ferrumenquinum from iran. Zoology in the Middle East 38,2006 :17- 20 ISSN 0939-7140 Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg
14- MOHAMMAD MORADI.G and Aysegul Karatas A comntribution to the knowledge of Hottentotta saulcyi(Simon, 1880)(Scorpiones:Buthidae). Zoology in the Middle East 38,2006 :85-92 ISSN 0939-7140 Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg
15- Irfan Kandemir ,Ayca Ozcan and MOHAMMAD MORADI.G ,A scientific note on allozyme variability in Persian hony bees (Apis mellifera meda)from the ALBURZ MOUNTAIN IN Iran . Apidologie 35 (2004)521-528 ,Dol:10.1051/apido:2004039. National Cogress on Biology With International Participation .June 26-30 .,2006 Kusadasi /ADNIN, Turkey.
16- Nuri YIGIT,MOHAMMAD MORADI.G,Ercument COLAK,…….The Karyotypes of Some Rodent Species (Mammalia:Rodentia)from Eastern Turkey and Northern Iran with a New Record, Microtus schidiovskii Argyropulo,1933,from Eastern Turkey. Turkish journal of zoology,Vol,30,Number 3 ,2006.P:459-464.
17- Nuri YIGIT ……..MOHAMMAD MORADI.G ,Morphological and Biometrical Comparisonsof Mesocricetus Nehring,1898 (Mammalia:Rodentia)Species distributed in the Palaearctic Region Turkish journal of zoology ,Volume 30,Number 3 ,2006,P:291-299.
18- Mohammad Moradi.G,Sakir Ozkurt andAkbar Vahdati A Study on the Morphology and Biology of Spermophilus fulvus ; Lichtensteein,1823(Mammalia:Rodentia)in Zanjan Province. Appllied Entomology and Phytopathology .ISSN 0013-8800 .Dec,2007.Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture ,Iran.
19- Sakir Ozkurt and Mohammad Moradi.G Taxonomic status of the genus Spermophilus (Mammalia:Rodentia)in Turkey and Iran with description of a new species, Zootaxa Journal 1529:1-15 .ISSN 1175-5326(2007).
20- Mohammad Moradi.G and Nuri Yigit-------- Allozyme Variation and Genetic Differentiation in Mesocricetus brandti Nehring, 1898 and Mesocricetus auratus (Waterhouse,1839)(Mammalia:Rodentia). Turk Zool.Journal. 31(2007) 219-227. TUBITAK
21- Mohammad Moradi.G and Ahmet Karatash Cranial Features and Karyotypes of Two Hedgehogs (Insectivora:Erinacedae)from Iran. Anat.Histol.Embryol. Blackwell Journal ISSN 0340-2096 (2007-Nov).
22- Mohammed Moradi and A. KARATAŞ, T. KANKILIÇ3 Karyotype of Pipistrellus kuhlii (Natterer in Kuhl, 1819) Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae from Iran . International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 2 (2): 75-76, 2008
23- Mohammed Moradi and Ali MELLATI1 , AliNAZARIAN2 ,Gasem AHMAD The hTSH Measurement by Solid-Phase Fluoro Immunoassay and Using FITC as Prob International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 2 (3): 151-154, 2008
24- ÖZKAN, A.,. Mohammed Moradi, ÖZDEN, B., KANDEMİR, İ. (2009) Multivariate Morphometric Study on Apis florea Distributed in Iran. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 33: 93-102. (SCI-Expanded)
25- Mohammed Moradi & Ziani, S, 2009 - Occurrence of scarab beetles inside rodents burrows in some parts of Iran (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) – Zoology in the Middle East 46 ,2009 :9 5-98 ISSN 0939-7140 Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg
26- Irfan Kandemir, Mohammed Moradi,Berna Ozden Wing geometry as a tool for studyıng the populatıon structure of dwarf honey bees (Apis florea Fabrıcıus 1876)ın Iran. Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee 48(4)238-246(2009).
27- N.Mortazavi,R.Naderi. Mohammed Moradi.The Study Recutting and Aluminum –sulphate Application on the Some Morphophysiologic Traits in Rosa International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 2 (3): 147-150, 2008
29-H.GHASSEMPOUR1 A.MAJD2 M. ASSADI3 F. GAHREMANINEJAD4 T.NEJADSATARY1 Nassiri SEMNANI5 M.MORADI6* Ovule Ontogenesis and Megagametophyte Development in Onobrychis sintenissii Bormn. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae). Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 6 (1): 57-60, 2012 ISSN: 1307-1130, E-ISSN: 2146-0108, www.nobel.gen.tr
30-Ayşe gül Karataş, Muhammad Moradı, Münir Uçak Contribution to the distribution of the Sdorpions of Iran Zoology in the Middle East ISSN 0939-7140 55 ,2012 : 111-120 Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg
31-Stefano ZIANI (*),Mohammad MORADI GHARAKHLOO (**) Further records of Scarabaeoidea found inside burrows of rodents in Iran (Coleoptera. Fragmenta entomologica, Roma, 43 (1): 57-74 (2011)
Ayşegül KARATAŞ1, Muhammed Mouradi GHARKHELOO2 32- Redescription of Mesobuthus vesiculatus (Pocock, 1899) (Scorpiones: Buthidae) based on specimens from Iran Turk J Zool,2012; 36(1): © TÜBİTAK, doi:10.3906/zoo-1112-18
33-Ali Akbar Jamali1, Fariba Akbari2, Mohamad Moradi Ghorakhlu3, Miguel de la Guardia4, Ahmad Yari Khosroushahi2,5* Applications of Diatoms as Potential Microalgae in Nanobiotechnology BioImpacts, 2012, 2(2), 83-89 doi: 10.5681/bi.2012.012 http://bi.tbzmed.ac.ir
34- Mohammad MORADI 1,Ayça Özkan Koca2, Burçin Terzi3, İrfan Kandemir2*" Genetic variation of dwarf honeybee (Apis florea Fabricius) populations distributed in Iran based on RAPD analysis
35- Ayşegül KARATAŞ1, Muhammed Mouradi GHARKHELOO2 A New Hemiscorpius Peters, 1861 (Scorpiones: Hemiscorpiidae) from Southwestern Iran Manuscript Code Number: ZOO-1205-27 Turk J Zoo ,l2012; 36(5): 576-584, © TÜBİTAK, doi:10.3906/zoo-1112-18
36. Mohammad MORADI*¹ Pooyan MORADI GHARAKHLOO Electrophoretic comparison of blood- Serum proteins of Ellobius Fisher, 1814. (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Iran. . Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 7 (3): 23-25 , 2013 ISSN: 1307-1130, E- ISSN: 2146-0108, www.nobel.gen.tr
37. Mohammad MORADI1* Pooyan MORADI 2 Kariological and Biological Study on Genus Allactaga Cuvier,1836 (Mammalia:Rodentia) in Iran Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 7 (3): 37-41, 2013 ISSN: 1307-1130, E-ISSN: 2146-0108, www.nobel.gen.tr
38.Coşkun, Y.a∗, Kaya, A.a, Ulutürk, S.b, Yürümez,. Moradi.G M. Karyotypes of the Mole Rats, genus Nannospalax (Palmer, 1903) (Spalacidae: Rodentia) populations in eastern Anatolia, Turkey Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics (IJAB) Vol.8, No.2, 195-202, 2012, ISSN: 1735-434X
1994-1998 Preparing Fune in Zanjan Province ,Department of Biology, Faculty of Science ,University of Zanjan ,Mohammad MORADI 1999- 2000 Biosystematic study on the species of Ursidae Family in Zanjan province General office of Enviromental organization Zanjan province, M.MORADI 2000-2001 Biosystematics study on the species of Flidae Family in Zanjan province General office of Environmental organization Zanjan province, M.MORADI 2001-2002 Limnological study of the Anguran and Kharroud Rivers in Zanjan General office of Environmental organization Zanjan province, M.MORADI 2002-2003 Biosystematics study on the species of Rodents in Zanjan province, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zanjan Mohammad MORADI 2003-2004 Karyological and Electrophoritical analysis Spermophilus Bent 1835 |