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Mehdi Hassani

Mehdi Hassani

mehdi(dot)hassani(at)znu(dot)ac(dot)ir      mmhassany(at)gmail(dot)com

      +98 (0) 24 3305 4035
Department of Mathematics, University of Zanjan, University Blvd., 45371-38791, Zanjan, Iran


CV Here

MathSciNet author profile, including list of publications, Here

zbMATH author profile, including list of publications, Here

Mathematics Geneology, Here

List of reviewed books for Mathematical Association of America, Here

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Fields of Interest: Elementary Number Theory, Analytic Number Theory, Probabilistic Number Theory, Sequences and Series, Inequalities, Approximation, Asymptotic expansions, Special functions, Combinatorics, History and biography, Mathematics education