view:32568 Last Update: 2024-3-10
PhD : Tarbiat Modres University, IRAN, Biophysics , 2008-2003 |
Thesis Title : Study of the radiosensitizing effects of gemcitabine on HeLa and MRC5 c ells using MN assay and computational study |
Subject-class : Computational biophysics and Radiation biophysics |
Supervisor : Parviz Abdolmaleki PhD and Hossein Mozdarani PhD |
M.Sc : PUN, Iran, روانشناسی , 2019-2017 |
Thesis Title : Development and validation of the smartphone addiction questionnaire and the investigation of the role of the early maladaptive in the smartphone addiction. |
Subject-class : Media, Addiction,Schema |
Supervisor : Dr. Ahmad Alipour |
M.Sc : Tarbiat Modres University, IRAN, Biophysics , 2002-1999 |
Subject-class : Radiation biophysics |
Supervisor : Mehdi Ghiassi-Nejad PhD |
B.Sc : Shahid Chamran University, IRAN, Biology , 1996-1992 |